Excel Tutorial – Excel Savvy #10: Excel Power Query Tutorial

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Excel Power Query Beginner to Advanced (Including M)

Excel Power Query Tutorial Intro

If you’ve ever found yourself drowning in an ocean of data, Excel Power Query is the lifeboat you need. In this Excel Power Query Tutorial, we’ll dive into Power Query, understand its nuances, and unleash its potential for transforming your data analysis game.

What is Excel Power Query?

Excel Power Query is a robust data connection technology that allows you to import, transform, and combine data from various sources within Excel. Unlike traditional methods, Power Query simplifies the process and offers a user-friendly interface, making it accessible even for those without an extensive coding background.

Why Power Query?

The significance of mastering Power Query can’t be overstated. It empowers you to effortlessly clean, shape, and integrate data, turning raw information into actionable insights. Whether you’re a data analyst, a business professional, or a curious Excel enthusiast, this guide is your roadmap to harnessing the full potential of Excel Power Query.

How to Use Excel Power Query: Understanding the Basics of Power Query

Now that we’ve set the stage, let’s delve into the fundamentals of Excel Power Query.

Definition and Purpose

Excel Power Query is an ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) tool embedded within Excel, designed to facilitate the process of importing and shaping data. Its primary purpose is to provide users with a seamless experience for transforming raw data into a format suitable for analysis and reporting.

Integrating Power Query in Excel

To kickstart your Power Query journey, familiarize yourself with its integration in Excel. You can find it in the “Data” tab under “Get Data

Key Elements of Power Query Interface

The Power Query interface consists of several key elements:

  1. Query Pane: Displays a list of queries in your workbook.
  2. Query Editor: The workspace where you perform data transformations.
  3. Applied Steps: Tracks the sequence of transformations applied to your data.
  4. Formula Bar: Found at the top of the Query Editor, it allows you to create and edit formulas using the M language, the backbone of Power Query.
  5. Data Preview: Provides a snapshot of your data, aiding in the decision-making process for transformations.
  6. Query Settings: Accessible through the “Home” tab, it allows you to configure query properties, such as renaming queries and managing connections.


Basic Operations and Functionalities

Excel Power Query Editor

Step 1: Importing Data

Excel Power Query Import data

  1. Open Excel:
    • Launch Microsoft Excel and open the workbook where you want to import and transform the data.
  2. Data Tab:
    • Navigate to the “Data” tab on the Excel ribbon.
  3. Get Data:
    • Click on the “Get Data” option. Depending on your data source, you can choose from various options like “From Table/Range” “From Workbook” or “From Database
  4. Import Data:
    • Select the appropriate data source and follow the prompts to import your data into Power Query Editor.

Step 2: Excel Power Query Remove Duplicates

  1. Open Power Query Editor:
    • Once your data is imported, go to the “Data” tab and click on “Transform Data” This opens the Power Query Editor.
    • Or, Go to the “Query Tools” Under ” Query” click on ” Edit

excel power query edit

  1. Remove Duplicates:
    • In the Power Query Editor, locate the column with potential duplicates.
    • Right-click on the column header, and from the context menu, select “Remove Duplicates
    • A dialog box will appear where you can choose the columns to check for duplicates. Click “OK” to remove duplicates.

Excel Power Query Remove Dups

Step 3: Handling Errors

  1. Identify Errors:
    • In Power Query Editor, examine your data for any errors or inconsistencies.
  2. Use Try > Otherwise:
    • Create a new column or modify an existing one using the try > otherwise construct to handle errors gracefully. For example:
          Source = #"YourDataSource",
          CustomColumn = Table.AddColumn(Source, "CleanedColumn", each try Number.From([TextColumn]) otherwise null)
    • This ensures that errors, like converting a text column to a number, are handled without disrupting the entire query.

Step 4: Filling Missing Values

  1. Identify Missing Values:
    • Locate columns with missing values in Power Query Editor.
  2. Fill Missing Values:
    • Right-click on the column header, and from the context menu, select “Replace Values.”
    • In the “Replace Values” dialog box, enter the value you want to use for replacement and click “OK

Excel Power Query Remove Dups

Step 5: Sorting Data

  1. Sort Ascending or Descending:
    • In Power Query Editor, select the column by which you want to sort the data.
    • Click on the small dropdown arrow next to the column header.
    • Choose “Sort Ascending” or “Sort Descending” as needed.

Step 6: Filtering Data

  1. Apply Filters:
    • In Power Query Editor, click on the filter icon (funnel) next to the column header you want to filter.
    • Choose the values you want to include or exclude in the filter options.

Excel power query funnel

Step 7: Close and Apply

  1. Review Changes:
    • After performing the necessary transformations, review your changes in Power Query Editor.
  2. Close and Apply:
    • Once satisfied, click on the “Close & Apply” button in the Power Query Editor. This will apply the transformations to your Excel workbook.

Congratulations! You have successfully transformed and cleaned your data using Excel Power Query. These steps provide a foundation for efficient data analysis by ensuring your dataset is free from duplicates, errors are handled gracefully, missing values are addressed, and data is sorted and filtered to focus on relevant information.

Data Import and Transformation: Advanced Techniques

With a firm grip on the basics, let’s plunge into the advanced techniques of data import and transformation with Power Query in Excel

Advanced Data Import Techniques

  1. Web Data Wizardry: Effortlessly fetch data from websites by providing URLs or directly querying online tables. Unearth the wealth of information the web has to offer, and seamlessly integrate it into your datasets.
  2. Folder Queries for Efficiency: Handling multiple files? Utilize folder queries to consolidate data from various files within a designated folder. This time-saving feature streamlines the import process, especially when dealing with expansive datasets.
  3. Dive into Databases: Connect with diverse databases such as SQL Server, MySQL, or MS Access. Empower your analyses by seamlessly integrating your existing database structures into the Power Query ecosystem.

E.g., Excel Power Query Combine Multiple Sheets

Combining multiple sheets in Excel using Power Query can be done using the “Append Queries” feature. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you combine data from multiple sheets into one:

How to Combine Multiple Sheets in Excel Power Query?

  1. Open Power Query Editor:
    • Import your data into Excel and open the Power Query Editor by navigating to the “Data” tab and clicking on “Transform Data.”
  2. Load Data from Multiple Sheets:
    • Ensure that each sheet contains similar or complementary data that you want to combine. You can have multiple sheets within the same workbook or in different workbooks.
  3. Access Power Query Editor for Each Sheet:
    • For each sheet that you want to include in the combination, click on the “Query” or “Transform Data” option. This will open the Power Query Editor for that specific sheet.
  4. Combine Queries:
    • In the Power Query Editor for the first sheet, go to the “Home” tab, and click on “Close & Apply” to close the editor.
  5. Append Queries:
    • In the Power Query window, go to the “Home” tab, click on “Append Queries,” and then select “Append Queries.”
  6. Choose Queries to Append:
    • A dialog box will appear where you can select the queries (sheets) you want to append. Choose the queries you want to combine and click “OK.”
  7. Review and Adjust:
    • The combined query will be displayed in the Power Query Editor. Review the combined data, and if needed, make any adjustments or transformations.
  8. Close & Apply:
    • Once you are satisfied with the combined data, click on “Close & Apply” to apply the changes and return to Excel.

Excel Power Query Combine Multiple Sheets Example:

Let’s say you have three sheets named “Sheet1,” “Sheet2,” and “Sheet3,” each containing a similar structure of data. You want to combine the data from these sheets:

  1. Open Power Query Editor for “Sheet1” and load the data.
  2. Repeat the process for “Sheet2” and “Sheet3.”
  3. Close the Power Query Editor for each sheet.
  4. In the Power Query window, go to the “Home” tab, click on “Append Queries,” and select “Append Queries.”
  5. Choose “Sheet2” and “Sheet3” to append to “Sheet1.”
  6. Review and adjust the combined query if needed.
  7. Click on “Close & Apply” to apply the changes.
  • Make sure that the structure of the data (columns and their types) is consistent across the sheets you are combining.
  • If there are additional transformations or cleaning needed, you can perform them in the Power Query Editor before combining.

> By following these steps, you can efficiently combine data from multiple sheets using Power Query in Excel.

Advanced Data Transformation Techniques

  1. Merge: Combine datasets with finesse using various merging methods – inner, outer, left, or right joins. Uncover the power of merging to synthesize disparate data into a coherent whole.
  2. Pivot and Unpivot: Reshape your data dynamically by pivoting columns into rows or vice versa. This advanced technique is invaluable when dealing with data structures that require a more flexible format.
  3. Custom Column: Create tailored columns using M formulas. This allows for intricate calculations, conditional logic, or concatenation of text, providing a bespoke touch to your dataset.
  4. Conditional Transformations: Implement conditional transformations based on specific criteria. This ensures that your data adapts dynamically, responding to changes in the underlying information.

E.g., Excel Power Query Remove Rows based on condition:

In Excel Power Query, you can remove rows based on a condition using the “Remove Rows” functionality. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to achieve this:

How to Remove Rows Based on a Condition?

  1. Open Power Query Editor:
    • Import your data into Excel and open the Power Query Editor by navigating to the “Data” tab and clicking on “Transform Data.”
  2. Select the Column:
    • In the Power Query Editor, select the column based on which you want to apply the condition.
  3. Filter Rows:
    • Click on the filter icon (funnel) in the column header. This opens the filter options.
  4. Define the Condition:
    • In the filter options, specify the condition you want to apply. For example, you can select values to include or exclude, set numerical ranges, or use text filters.
  5. Apply Filter:
    • Click “OK” or “Apply Filter” to apply the condition. This filters the rows based on the specified condition.
  6. Remove Filtered Rows:
    • In the Power Query Editor, click on the dropdown arrow next to the filter icon in the column header.
    • Choose “Remove Rows” and then select “Remove Filtered Rows.”
  7. Close & Apply:
    • Once you have removed the rows based on your condition, click on “Close & Apply” to apply the changes to your Excel workbook.


  • You can use various conditions such as equals, not equals, greater than, less than, contains, etc., depending on your data type.
  • If you need to apply more complex conditions, you can use the “Filter Rows” option and create a custom expression.
  1. API Integration Magic: by integrating APIs. Configure queries to fetch real-time data dynamically, providing a continuous flow of up-to-the-minute information.
  2. Cloud-based Service Connectivity: Seamlessly connect to online services like SharePoint, OneDrive, or Azure. Effortlessly bridge the gap between your local environment and cloud-based data repositories.

Refreshing Data and Troubleshooting Connections

  1. Automated Data Refresh Strategies: Ensure your analyses are always built on the latest insights by setting up automated data refreshes. Establish a regular cadence to keep your data current and relevant.
  2. Mastering Troubleshooting: Equip yourself with troubleshooting skills. Quickly diagnose and resolve common connection issues, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted data import and transformation journey.

Optimization and Efficiency Tips

Streamlining Your Power Query Workflow

As we venture deeper into the intricacies of Excel Power Query, it’s crucial to optimize your workflow for efficiency and productivity.

Best Practices for Power Query Performance

  1. Filtering Early and Often: Reduce the dataset size early in the process by applying filters as soon as possible. This prevents unnecessary data from propagating through subsequent transformations.
  2. Minimize Applied Steps: Be mindful of the number of applied steps in your queries. Each step adds to the processing time, so aim for a streamlined sequence without unnecessary actions.
  3. Utilize Query Folding: Leverage query folding whenever possible. This feature enables Power Query to push transformations back to the data source, reducing the amount of data brought into Excel for processing.

Efficiency Techniques for Large Datasets

  1. Data Sampling: When working with extensive datasets, consider using data sampling techniques. Extract a subset of your data for initial transformations to speed up the development process.
  2. Data Types Optimization: Ensure that your data types are optimized for performance. Correctly defining data types reduces memory usage and enhances processing speed.

Managing Query Dependencies

  1. Query Dependencies View: Familiarize yourself with the Query Dependencies view. This feature provides a visual representation of how queries depend on each other, helping you identify bottlenecks and optimize accordingly.
  2. Parameterized Queries: Implement parameterized queries for dynamic and flexible data processing. Parameters allow you to change input values without modifying the query itself, enhancing reusability.

Tools for Monitoring and Evaluation

Performance Profiling:

Use performance profiling tools within Power Query to identify bottlenecks. Pinpoint areas that require optimization and prioritize your efforts for maximum impact.

What is Performance Profiling?

Performance profiling involves using tools within Power Query to analyze the execution performance of your queries. It helps identify bottlenecks, inefficient operations, and areas that may impact the overall performance of your data transformations.

  1. Open Power Query Editor:
    • Import your data and open the Power Query Editor by navigating to the “Data” tab and clicking on “Transform Data.”
  2. Enable Performance Profiling:
    • In the Power Query Editor, go to the “View” tab.
    • Check the “Performance Profiling” option. This activates the performance profiling tools.
  3. Run Query:
    • Execute your query by clicking on the “Close & Apply” button in the Power Query Editor.
  4. Analyze Profiling Information:
    • Once the query execution is complete, go back to the “View” tab and click on “Performance Profiling.”
    • Power Query will display a performance summary, highlighting areas where the query may be suboptimal.
  5. Identify Bottlenecks:
    • Review the profiling information to identify specific operations or steps that consume significant resources or take longer to execute.
  6. Optimize Query Steps:
    • Based on the profiling results, revisit and optimize the query steps causing bottlenecks.
    • Common optimizations include simplifying complex transformations, avoiding unnecessary computations, and refining filtering conditions.
  7. Iterative Optimization:
    • Make iterative changes to your query and re-run the performance profiling to gauge the impact of optimizations.
    • Prioritize optimizations based on their impact on overall query performance.


Query Metrics: Dive into query metrics to understand resource consumption. Analyze the data source timings and query durations to identify opportunities for improvement.

What are Query Metrics?

Query metrics provide detailed information about the resource consumption and duration of each step in your Power Query. This includes data source timings, query durations, and other performance-related details.

  1. Open Power Query Editor:
    • If not already open, navigate to the “Data” tab and click on “Transform Data” to open the Power Query Editor.
  2. Enable Formula Bar:
    • Go to the “View” tab and ensure the “Formula Bar” is enabled. The Formula Bar displays formula details for each step in your query.
  3. Formula Bar Metrics:
    • In the Formula Bar, you can see metrics such as “Evaluation Time” “Start Time” and “Finish Time” for each query step.
    • These metrics provide insights into the duration of each step and when it was executed.
  4. Data Source Timings:
    • Focus on the data source timings to understand how much time is spent retrieving data from external sources.
    • Evaluate whether optimizations, such as loading only essential columns or applying data source filters, can be implemented.
  5. Query Duration:
    • Analyze the overall query duration, which is the time taken for the entire query to execute.
    • Identify steps that contribute significantly to the overall duration and consider optimizations.
  6. Iterative Analysis:
    • Make adjustments to your query based on the insights gained from query metrics.
    • Re-run the query and monitor the changes in data source timings and overall query duration.
  7. Continuous Monitoring:
    • Regularly check query metrics as you modify and enhance your Power Query. Continuous monitoring ensures that optimizations remain effective over time.


Power Query M Language Tutorial: Formulas and Functions

What is M Langauge?

At the heart of Power Query lies the Power Query M language, a powerful scripting language used for data transformations. Understanding the basics of M language provides you with the tools to create custom functions and tailored solutions for your unique data challenges.

Power Query M Language

Writing M language in Power Query allows you to perform advanced data transformations and custom operations on your data. Below is a guide to help you get started with writing M language in Power Query:

M Language Tutorial: Understanding The Basics

  1. Open Power Query Editor:
    • Import your data into Excel and open the Power Query Editor by navigating to the “Data” tab and clicking on “Transform Data.”
  2. View Formula Bar:
    • Make sure the Formula Bar is visible. You can find it in the Power Query Editor under the “View” tab. The Formula Bar displays the M language formula for each step in your query.
  3. Formula Structure:
    • M language formulas consist of expressions and functions. An expression could be a reference to a column or a constant value, while functions perform operations on data.
  4. Example M Formula:
    • In the Formula Bar, you might see something like:
      = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"Column1", type text}, {"Column2", type number}})
      • This formula uses the Table.TransformColumnTypes function to change the data types of “Column1” and “Column2.”

M Language Tutorial: Write M Language Expressions

  1. M language Referencing Columns:
    • To reference a column, use the syntax [ColumnName]. E.g.:
      = Table.AddColumn(Source, "NewColumn", each [Column1] + [Column2])
      • This formula adds a new column (“NewColumn“) that is the sum of “Column1” and “Column2.”
  2. M Language Constants:
    • You can use constants in M language. For example:
      = Table.SelectRows(Source, each [Column1] > 10)
      • This formula filters rows where “Column1” is greater than 10.

M Language Tutorial: Use M Language Functions

  1. Built-in Functions:
    • Power Query has a wide range of built-in functions for various data transformations. Please, refer to the MS Official Documentation for a comprehensive list.
  2. Custom Functions:
    • You can create custom functions in M language using the () => syntax. E.g.:
      MultiplyByTwo = (x) => x * 2,
      = Table.TransformColumns(Source, {{"Column1", each MultiplyByTwo(_), type number}})
      • This example defines a custom function (MultiplyByTwo) and then applies it to “Column1

Debug M Language Formulas:

  1. Step-by-Step Execution:
    • Use the “Applied Steps” pane in Power Query Editor to see each step’s result. You can click on a step to see the data at that point in the transformation.
  2. Error Handling:
    • Use the try > otherwise construct for error handling. For example:
      = Table.AddColumn(Source, "NewColumn", each try Number.From([Column1]) otherwise null)
      • This handles errors when converting “Column1” to a number.

Remember that M language is powerful, and proficiency comes with practice. Start with simple transformations, gradually incorporate more advanced features, and refer to documentation or Contact us

Commonly Used Power Query Functions

Text Functions

    Source = #"YourSourceTable",
    CustomColumn = Table.AddColumn(Source, "Abbreviation", each Text.Start([FullText], 3))


  • Creates a new column, “Abbreviation,” by extracting the first three characters from the “FullText” column in the source table.
    Source = #"YourSourceTable",
    CustomColumn = Table.AddColumn(Source, "LastThreeCharacters", each Text.End([FullText], 3))


  • Generates a new column, “LastThreeCharacters,” by extracting the last three characters from the “FullText” column.
    Source = #"YourSourceTable",
    CustomColumn = Table.AddColumn(Source, "ContainsKeyword", each Text.Contains([Description], "Power Query"))


  • Creates a column, “ContainsKeyword,” checking if the “Description” column contains the phrase “Power Query.”

Date and Time Functions

    Source = #"YourSourceTable",
    CustomColumn = Table.AddColumn(Source, "FutureDate", each Date.AddMonths([StartDate], 3))


  • Adds three months to the “StartDate” column, creating a new column named “FutureDate.”
    Source = #"YourSourceTable",
    CustomColumn = Table.AddColumn(Source, "DayOfWeek", each Date.DayOfWeek([OrderDate]))


  • Creates the “DayOfWeek” column by determining the day of the week for each “OrderDate” in the source table.
    Source = #"YourSourceTable",
    CustomColumn = Table.AddColumn(Source, "FormattedDate", each DateTime.ToText([OrderDate], "yyyy-MM-dd"))


  • Generates the “FormattedDate” column by converting the “OrderDate” to a text representation in the “yyyy-MM-dd” format.

Mathematical Functions

    Source = #"YourSourceTable",
    CustomColumn = Table.AddColumn(Source, "RoundedAmount", each Number.Round([Amount], 2))


  • Creates the “RoundedAmount” column by rounding the “Amount” column to two decimal places.
    Source = #"YourSourceTable",
    CustomColumn = Table.AddColumn(Source, "AbsoluteValue", each Number.Abs([Difference]))


  • Generates the “AbsoluteValue” column by calculating the absolute value of the “Difference” column.
    Source = #"YourSourceTable",
    CustomColumn = Table.AddColumn(Source, "SquaredValue", each Number.Power([Value], 2))


  • Creates the “SquaredValue” column by raising the “Value” column to the power of 2.

Logical Functions

    Source = #"YourSourceTable",
    CustomColumn = Table.AddColumn(Source, "IsBothTrue", each Logical.And([Condition1], [Condition2]))


  • Generates the “IsBothTrue” column by performing a logical AND operation between “Condition1” and “Condition2” columns.
    Source = #"YourSourceTable",
    CustomColumn = Table.AddColumn(Source, "IsEitherTrue", each Logical.Or([Condition1], [Condition2]))


  • Creates the “IsEitherTrue” column by performing a logical OR operation between “Condition1” and “Condition2” columns.
    Source = #"YourSourceTable",
    CustomColumn = Table.AddColumn(Source, "IsNotTrue", each Logical.Not([Condition]))


  • Generates the “IsNotTrue” column by negating the logical value of the “Condition” column.

List Functions

    Source = #"YourSourceTable",

Column = Table.AddColumn(Source, "FilteredList", each List.RemoveNulls([ListColumn]))


  • Creates the “FilteredList” column by removing null values from the “ListColumn” for each row.
    Source = #"YourSourceTable",
    CustomColumn = Table.AddColumn(Source, "UniqueItems", each List.Distinct([ItemList]))


  • Generates the “UniqueItems” column by extracting unique values from the “ItemList” column for each row.
    Source = #"YourSourceTable",
    CustomColumn = Table.AddColumn(Source, "TransformedList", each List.Transform([OriginalList], each Text.Upper(_)))


  • Creates the “TransformedList” column by transforming each element in the “OriginalList” to uppercase using Text.Upper

Record Functions

    Source = #"YourSourceTable",
    CustomColumn = Table.AddColumn(Source, "FirstName", each Record.Field([PersonRecord], "FirstName"))


  • Generates the “FirstName” column by extracting the “FirstName” field from the “PersonRecord” column, assumed to be a record.
    Source = #"YourSourceTable",
    CustomColumn = Table.AddColumn(Source, "FieldCount", each List.Count(Record.FieldNames([DataRecord])))


  • Creates the “FieldCount” column by counting the number of fields in the “DataRecord” column, assumed to be a record.
    Source = #"YourSourceTable",
    CustomColumn = Table.AddColumn(Source, "ReducedRecord", each Record.RemoveFields([DetailedRecord], {"SensitiveInfo"}))


  • Generates the “ReducedRecord” column by removing the “SensitiveInfo” field from the “DetailedRecord” column, assumed to be a record.

Writing Custom M Formulas

E.g., Custom M Formula for Calculating Age

    Source = #"YourSourceTable",
    CustomColumn = Table.AddColumn(Source, "Age", each Duration.From([TodayDate] - [BirthDate]).Days \ 365)


  • Calculates the age of individuals by subtracting the “BirthDate” from the “TodayDate” and converting the duration to years.

Parameterize Your Formulas

E.g., Parameterized M Formula for Dynamic Threshold

    Source = #"YourSourceTable",
    ThresholdValue = 100,
    CustomColumn = Table.AddColumn(Source, "AboveThreshold", each [Amount] > ThresholdValue)


  • Defines a parameter (ThresholdValue) for dynamic adjustments to the threshold without modifying the query. Creates the “AboveThreshold” column based on whether the “Amount” is greater than the specified threshold.

Automation with Power Query: Streamlining Your Workflow

As we advance into the capabilities of Excel Power Query, automation becomes a key aspect of optimizing your workflow. Harness the power of automation to ensure your analyses are consistently based on the latest data.

Automate Refresh Excel Power Query

You’ve created a Power Query that imports and transforms your data. However, data changes over time, and it’s crucial to keep your analysis up-to-date.


  1. Automated Data Refresh:
        Source = #"YourTransformedData",
        AutoRefreshedTable = Table.Refresh(Source)


    • The Table.Refresh function ensures that your data is automatically refreshed whenever you open the Excel workbook. This guarantees that your analysis reflects the most recent information.
  2. Scheduled Refresh (Power BI, SharePoint, etc.):
    • For broader automation, consider using scheduled refresh options available in Power BI, SharePoint, or other platforms where your Excel workbook is stored. This enables periodic updates without manual intervention.

Dynamic Parameterization

You want to create a Power Query that adapts to changing parameters without manual adjustments each time.


  1. Parameterized Queries:
        Source = #"YourDataSource",
        ParameterizedQuery = Table.SelectRows(Source, each [Amount] > YourParameter)


    • By defining a parameter (e.g., YourParameter), you can dynamically filter data based on changing conditions. Adjust the parameter without modifying the query structure.

Error Handling: Power Query Try Otherwise

Data sources may occasionally experience disruptions. Ensure your Power Query handles errors gracefully.


  1. Error Handling with Try > Otherwise:
        Source = try Csv.Document(File.Contents("YourFile.csv")) otherwise null,
        HandledTable = if Source <> null then Table.FromRecords(Source) else Table.FromRecords({})


    • The try...otherwise construct attempts to load the CSV file. If successful, it proceeds with data transformation; otherwise, it creates an empty table. This prevents the entire query from failing due to a single error.

Custom Functions for Reusability

You find yourself applying similar transformations across multiple queries. Rather than duplicating efforts, create reusable custom functions.


  1. Creating a Custom Function:
        TransformData = (Source) => 
            Table.TransformColumns(Source, {{"Amount", each _ * 1.1, type number}}),
        Source = #"YourDataSource",
        TransformedTable = TransformData(Source)


    • The TransformData function takes a table as input and transforms the “Amount” column by multiplying each value by 1.1. You can reuse this function across multiple queries.

Advanced Business Scenarios with Excel Power Query

1. Data Enrichment for Customer Segmentation:


  • You have a dataset containing basic customer information, and you want to enhance it with additional details for more targeted segmentation


  Source = #"YourCustomerData",
  EnrichedTable = Table.NestedJoin(Source, "CustomerID", #"AdditionalData", "CustomerID", "EnrichedData"),
  ExpandedTable = Table.ExpandTableColumn(EnrichedTable, "EnrichedData", {"AdditionalField1", "AdditionalField2"})


  • The Table.NestedJoin function combines your original customer data with additional information based on the “CustomerID” column. The result is then expanded to include the enriched fields for more comprehensive customer segmentation.

2. Excel Power Query Merge Multiple Tables


  • Your organization gathers data from various sources, and you need to consolidate it into a unified dataset for comprehensive analysis.


  Source1 = #"YourDataSource1",
  Source2 = #"YourDataSource2",
  ConsolidatedTable = Table.Combine({Source1, Source2})


  • The Table.Combine function merges data from multiple sources into a single table. This ensures a unified dataset for streamlined analysis.

3. Real-time Data Streaming Integration:


  • Your business relies on real-time data updates, and you want to integrate this streaming data seamlessly into your Excel analytics.


  Source = Web.Contents("YourStreamingAPIEndpoint"),
  JsonContent = Json.Document(Source),
  TableFromJson = Record.ToTable(JsonContent)


  • Utilizing the Web.Contents function, Power Query can fetch real-time data from a streaming API. The received JSON data is then converted into a table for further analysis.

4. Currency Conversion for Global Sales Analysis:


  • Your sales data includes transactions in multiple currencies, and you want to standardize the amounts for accurate global performance analysis.


  Source = #"YourSalesData",
  ConvertedTable = Table.AddColumn(Source, "USDAmount", each Financial.CalculateTableColumn([Amount], "USD"))


  • The Financial.CalculateTableColumn function allows you to convert sales amounts into USD or any desired currency, providing a standardized currency for analysis.

5. Dynamic Data Partitioning for Large Datasets:


  • Dealing with large datasets, you want to implement dynamic data partitioning to enhance query performance.


  Source = #"YourLargeDataset",
  PartitionedTable = Table.Partition(Source, each [DateColumn], Date.From(DateTime.LocalNow()), Duration.FromDays(30), type table)


  • The Table.Partition function splits the dataset based on a specified column (e.g., “DateColumn“). This dynamic partitioning improves query performance by focusing on relevant subsets of data.


Excel Power Query Tutorial Finale

Key Takeaways and Conclusion

Excel Power Query is a versatile tool that extends beyond basic data transformations. By addressing various business scenarios, you can unlock the full potential of Power Query for advanced analytics, streamlined workflows, and improved decision-making.

In conclusion, Excel Power Query and the M language stand as formidable tools for data transformation. Whether removing duplicates, handling errors, or engaging in advanced operations, M language offers precision and control.

The ability to shape data according to specific needs streamlines workflows, ensuring accurate and relevant analyses. Keep experimenting and unlocking the full potential of these tools for dynamic and insightful data transformations.

Excel Savvy #10

Congratulations on Completing Excel Savvy #10

Now you have unlocked the prowess of Excel Power Query and harnessed the capabilities of the M language for unparalleled data manipulation. Gaining powerful tools for automation and boosting productivity. Happy querying!!  Until next time, Stay Savvy

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2 thoughts on “Excel Tutorial – Excel Savvy #10: Excel Power Query Tutorial”

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