Forget Paid VPNs in 2024? This Free VPN Beat Them in My Tests | PrivadoVPN Free VPN Review

Welcome to another VPN review! If you’re on the hunt for the perfect free VPN, you’re in the right place. Before we dive into today’s review, make sure to check out my previous post where I covered the Best Free VPN 2024: A Thorough Exploration and Guide. It’s a goldmine of information that can help you find the ideal VPN for your needs. Now, let’s jump into PrivadoVPN free VPN Review

PrivadoVPN – Best Free VPN for iPhone. A Free VPN with Potential, But Know the Limits

privado vpn Best Free VPN for iOS privadoVPN

PrivadoVPN, a free VPN service, presents a compelling offer with its generous data allowance and user-friendly features. In this breakdown, we’ll explore the positives such as ample monthly data, device flexibility, and a straightforward interface. However, as with any free service, there are limitations to consider, including the one-device-at-a-time usage, data expiration, and potential slowdowns.

This analysis aims to provide a detailed overview of PrivadoVPN’s strengths and areas where users might encounter challenges, helping individuals make informed decisions based on their specific online needs.

If you are an Iphone User, dont forget to check Is PrivadoVPN the best Free VPN for iPhone?

The Savvies

  • Data You Can Use: 10GB per month is way more than stingy free VPNs. This is enough for occasional streaming, browsing securely on public Wi-Fi, and some downloads.
  • Multiple Devices: PrivadoVPN doesn’t restrict how many gadgets you protect. Great if you have a phone, tablet, and laptop.
  • Easy to Use: The app is simple, making it great for folks who aren’t tech wizards.
  • Global Network: PrivadoVPN has servers in several countries, giving you flexibility if you need to pretend to be somewhere else online.

The Snags

  • One at a Time: While you can have PrivadoVPN on multiple devices, only ONE can be using the VPN at any given moment. Annoying if you need it on your laptop and phone at the same time.
  • Your Data Doesn’t Last: That 10GB you get? It expires at the end of the month. Use it or lose it!
  • Expect Some Slowdowns: No free VPN is blazing fast, and PrivadoVPN is no different. It’ll still be usable, but be prepared for things to take a little longer than usual.

Who is PrivadoVPN’s Free Plan Best For?

  • Privacy on the Go: Great for securing your browsing on those dodgy café or airport Wi-Fi networks.
  • Light Downloaders & Streamers: If you just download the occasional file or watch a video now and then, the 10GB will get you by.
  • One Device at a Time Users: Perfect if you mainly want protection on your phone or laptop, but not multiple gadgets simultaneously.

Who Might Want Something Different

  • Multi-Device Households: That one-connection-at-a-time rule will get frustrating! Look for a different service if you need the VPN on multiple gadgets at once.
  • Speed Freaks: PrivadoVPN is okay, but not amazing for speed. If you’re impatient or do data-intensive stuff, a paid VPN will be better.

The Verdict

PrivadoVPN offers more freedom than most free VPNs, but be sure the limitations are a match for how you use the internet. If they are, it’s definitely worth trying!

Bypassing Geo-Restrictions

PrivadoVPN’s performance here is unpredictable:

  • The Good: With servers in 14 countries, there’s a decent chance you’ll find the location you need to “trick” a website into letting you access content.
  • The Challenge: Free VPNs are often detected by streaming services and other sites with region locks. You might need to try a few servers before finding one that works.
  • The Reality: Even if you bypass restrictions, that 10GB data limit will make extensive streaming tough.

Comparing to Other Free VPNs

PrivadoVPN stands out in some areas, less so in others:

  • Data Allowance: That 10GB is generous compared to most. If data is your main concern, PrivadoVPN is a contender.
  • Device Flexibility: Many free VPNs strictly limit how many devices you can use. PrivadoVPN lets you install it on everything, but remember only one can be active at a time.
  • Features: PrivadoVPN lacks advanced features like ‘split tunneling’ more common in paid options. For basic privacy, it’s okay. For power users, it’s too barebones.

Additional Considerations

  • Speed: PrivadoVPN isn’t lightning-fast. Some other free VPNs might be a bit snappier, but often have smaller data caps as the trade-off.
  • Reputation: PrivadoVPN is still relatively new. Research what real users say on forums about their experience before committing long-term.

A Deeper Dive into PrivadoVPN Use Cases

Scenario 1: Secure Browsing on Public Wi-Fi

  • PrivadoVPN is a decent choice in this scenario. Here’s why:
    • Encryption: Your data will be scrambled, making it vastly harder for anyone snooping on the public Wi-Fi network to see what you’re doing.
    • Swiss Jurisdiction: PrivadoVPN benefits from Switzerland’s strong privacy laws.
    • 10GB Data: Plenty for most browsing tasks, making it a better choice than free VPNs with a tiny data allowance.
  • Caveats:
    • Logging: PrivadoVPN keeps minimal connection logs. True anonymity-seekers might still want a premium VPN with a zero-logging policy.
    • One Device at a Time: Remember, you can’t protect your laptop and phone on that same public Wi-Fi simultaneously.

Scenario 2: Online Shopping Internationally

  • PrivadoVPN has limitations here:
    • Getting the Right Price: While accessing a website in another country might help you find better deals, many online stores are now wise to VPNs, so they’ll show you prices based on your real location.
    • Server Locations: PrivadoVPN’s 14 servers are decent, but might not include the niche countries smaller retailers operate in.
    • Speed Matters: Slowdowns with the VPN on could make browsing online stores sluggish, an annoying shopping experience.
  • Caveats:
    • Don’t Skip Security! Public Wi-Fi is risky. Even if you’re mainly shopping, PrivadoVPN is better than nothing for protecting your payment details.

Scenario 3: Testing Your Code in Different Regions

  • PrivadoVPN likely isn’t the best tool here:
    • Niche Locations: Devs often need to test against VERY specific regions. PrivadoVPN’s 14 servers might not cut it.
    • Speed & Consistency: Slowdowns and potential connection drops on a free VPN can disrupt testing workflows.
    • “Clean” Connection: Devs often need to ensure their test resembles a real user’s experience. Free VPNs with logging or potential data manipulation aren’t ideal.


Is PrivadoVPN the Best Free VPN for iPhone?

 is privadoVPN the best Free VPN for iPhone?

While PrivadoVPN has definite strengths for iPhone users, labeling it the absolute “best” free VPN requires a nuanced answer. Let’s break down why it’s a contender, and where it might fall short:

Reasons PrivadoVPN is a Strong Option for iPhones

  • Generous Data: That 10GB monthly allowance is HUGE compared to most free VPNs. This means less restrictive browsing, downloads, and even some streaming.
  • Unlimited Devices: PrivadoVPN doesn’t force you to choose between protecting your iPhone or another device. Great for multi-gadget users.
  • Privacy Focus: Based in Switzerland, which boasts strong privacy laws, PrivadoVPN takes a security-minded approach compared to some shady-free VPNs.
  • User-Friendly: The app is simple and intuitive, perfect for those who aren’t tech-savvy.

When PrivadoVPN Might NOT be the “Best”

  • One Connection at a Time: While you can have it on multiple devices, only ONE can use the VPN actively. If you need protection on your iPhone and laptop simultaneously, look elsewhere.
  • Speed Isn’t Stellar: Free VPNs are rarely blazing fast, and PrivadoVPN is no exception. Impatient users might find it frustrating, especially for data-heavy tasks.
  • Limited Features: If you need advanced things like port forwarding, split tunneling, or obfuscation, PrivadoVPN’s free plan is too basic.

The Competition

It’s worth considering how PrivadoVPN stacks up against other free VPNs popular with iPhone users:

  • Windscribe: Also offers ample data (10GB), but has more server locations.
  • ProtonVPN: Unlimited data, but speeds on the free plan can be painfully slow.
  • TunnelBear: Cute interface, but very restrictive with only 500MB of data per month.

The Best Free iPhone VPN: The Verdict

PrivadoVPN is an excellent contender for the title of ‘best free iPhone VPN’ but the ideal choice depends entirely on your needs. If generous data and the flexibility to use it on multiple devices (though one at a time) are paramount, PrivadoVPN is a top pick.

PrivadoVPN FAQs

  1. Can I use PrivadoVPN’s free plan for streaming?

    PrivadoVPN can sometimes unblock streaming sites, but the 10GB data cap limits how much you can watch, and speeds might lead to buffering.

  2. Does PrivadoVPN free work for torrenting?

    Yes, PrivadoVPN allows torrenting traffic. However, slowdowns on the free plan might make large downloads frustrating.

  3. Is PrivadoVPN free enough for secure online banking?

    It’s significantly safer than using no VPN on public Wi-Fi, but be aware of PrivadoVPN’s logging policy for super-sensitive transactions.

  4. Can I use PrivadoVPN free VPN with Netflix?

    Results will be inconsistent. PrivadoVPN does work with Netflix sometimes, but servers frequently get blocked. Expect trial and error.

  5. Will PrivadoVPN’s free plan slow down my internet?

    Like most free VPNs, yes. Prepare for slower speeds than using your internet connection normally.


Now we reached the end of our PrivadoVPN free VPN Review, the PrivadoVPN free VPN plan delivers a surprisingly generous data allowance and simple interface, appealing to those seeking a basic layer of online security and flexibility. However, its single active connection rule, moderate speeds, and lack of advanced features necessitate a clear understanding of its limitations for the best experience. until next time, Stay Savvy!

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